Friday, July 2, 2010

A Few Parenting Rules

1. The capacity for change in the parent-child relationship lies with the parent.

2. Self esteem is an outcome measure based largely on a child's sense of social connectedness and sense of accomplishment. It cannot be given, it is developed.

3. Consistency is key in discipline. This basically translates to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is helped by learning about the impact of "intermittent reinforcement."

4. Empathy is often the answer. Validate their emotions, understand where they are coming from.

5. Listen to their teachers, especially their concerns. They may not always be right but most often, safe to assume they are coming from a good place.

6. Know there are many "within normal limits" paths to development.

7. Strive to focus their learning on their strengths. Yes, address the weaknesses but focus on the strengths.

8. Think of Floortime daily and downtime daily.

9. Have less screentime. Make the screentime they have meaningful, choose well.

10. Read aloud everyday, through high school if they'll listen.

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